Hence you might find issues here and there.
Please note, this website is just a hobby project of mine and I do not work full time on it. Al Quran Cloud and Fawaz Ahmed for their Quran translations API.
for their Tamil word by word database orginally by Darul Huda. Zalikal kitabu laa rayba fih translation this is That book the Prophet Mohammad is reciting no doubt in it Indeed is from Almighty ALLAH zalikal kitabu laa rayba fih meaning. 2 The revelation of The Book is from Allah the Exalted in Power Full of Wisdom.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 46 Surah Ahqaaf verses 1-2: 1 Ha Mim. for their thematic introduction to the surahs of the Quran. These are the Signs (or Verses) of The Book : that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the Truth but most men believe not.Searched among 776,955,239 Youtube Videos in global. for their English transliteration orginally by M.A.H. Search results for alif laam meem zalikal kitabu la rahi thi.
Al-Huda International for their Hindi word by word PDF files. CSALT for their Mehr Nastaliq Urdu font. Azrul Azwar (Quran WbW iOS app) for the words databases in many different languages. Kitab secara harifah berarti tulisan, secara istilah kitab adalah wahyu allah yang disampaikan kepada rasul untuk diajarkan kepada umat manusia. (Al-baqarah/2:2) yang artinya : kitab ( Al-Quran) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya, petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertaqwa. Ata Rafi for sharing the IndoPak text originally by InPage™. Zalikal kitabu la raiba fih (i), huda lil-muttaqin. Greentech Apps (Al Quran Tafsir & by Word app) for their English, Indonesian & Bangla words and corpus database. Usman Pervez (IslamOne android app) for the Urdu words database. Collin Fair for his word timestamps for Quranic audios. Ayman Siddiqui for all the help including providing various website datas and fonts & website testing. , and for their collection of Quranic audios. for their collection of Quranic resources. King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex for their Quran text. for their word by word audio files orginally recited by Imam Wisam Sharieff. Farhat Hashmi for her Urdu word by word compilation. wouldn't be possible without these amazing people: You can also listen to how a word is pronounced and also listen to ayah recitations. is a Quran website with word by word translation, transliteration and corpus in English, Urdu, Hindi, Indonesian, Bangla, Turkish and Tamil. In the name of Allah and prayers & blessings be upon His messenger, Muhammad ( ﷺ).